Vanilla Swiss Roll Cake Recipe || Irresistible Delight

A Vanilla Swiss Roll Cake Recipe, also recognised as a Jelly Roll, embodies the essence of simplicity and elegance.

This classic dessert features a light and airy sponge cake infused with the rich aroma of vanilla, delicately rolled around a luscious filling.

Crafting this confectioner masterpiece is a delightful journey that promises to tantalise your taste buds and captivate your senses.

Join me as I guide you through the art of creating this exquisite treat from scratch. So, are you ready to unveil the secrets behind this delightful pastry?

Today, I’m sharing my tried-and-true recipe, along with some tips and tricks to ensure your vanilla swiss roll cake recipe turns out perfect every time.

Let’s ditch the store-bought treats and create a homemade masterpiece together!

How To Prepare Vanilla Swiss Roll Cake Recipe?

Recipe Overview

Preparation Time: 20 minutes

Cooking Time: 10 minutes

Total Time: 30 minutes

Course: Dessert

Cuisine: European

Yield: 8 servings

Equipment Needed:

  • Mixing bowls
  • Electric mixer
  • Whisk
  • Offset spatula
  • Jelly roll pan (10×15 inches)
  • Parchment paper
  • Kitchen towel


For The Cake

  • 4 large eggs
  • 3/4 cup granulated sugar
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 3/4 cup cake flour
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • Confectioners’ sugar, for dusting

For the Filling:

  • 1 cup heavy cream
  • 1/4 cup powdered sugar
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
Vanilla Swiss Roll Cake Recipe
Vanilla Swiss Roll Cake Recipe

How To Make Step-by-step Instructions?

1. Preparing the Cake Batter:

● Preheat your oven to 350°F (175°C). Grease a 10×15-inch jelly roll pan and line it with parchment paper, leaving an overhang on the sides for easy removal later.

● In a large mixing bowl, beat the eggs and granulated sugar together with an electric mixer on high speed until the mixture is pale and thick, about 5 minutes. Add the vanilla extract and mix until combined.

● In a separate bowl, sift together the cake flour, baking powder, and salt. Gradually fold the dry ingredients into the egg mixture until just combined, being careful not to deflate the batter.

● Pour the batter into the prepared jelly roll pan, spreading it evenly with a spatula. Bake in the preheated oven for 10-12 minutes, or until the cake is lightly golden and springs back when gently pressed.

2. Rolling the Cake:

● While the cake is still warm, dust a clean kitchen towel with confectioners’ sugar. Carefully invert the cake onto the towel and peel off the parchment paper.

● Starting from one short end, gently roll the cake and towel together into a tight spiral. Place the rolled cake seam-side down on a wire rack to cool completely.

3. Preparing the Filling:

● In a chilled mixing bowl, whip the heavy cream, powdered sugar, and vanilla extract together until stiff peaks form.

4. Assembling the Swiss Roll:

● Carefully unroll the cooled cake and spread the whipped cream filling evenly over the surface, leaving a small border around the edges.

● Starting from the same end as before, gently roll the cake back up, this time without the towel. Use the parchment paper to help lift and support the cake as needed.

● Place the rolled cake seam-side down on a serving platter and refrigerate for at least 1 hour to set.

5. Serving and Enjoying:

● Once chilled, slice the Vanilla Swiss Roll Cake into thick, elegant rounds using a sharp knife. Dust with additional confectioners’ sugar if desired, and serve with a cup of hot tea or coffee for a truly delightful experience.

Nutrition Facts Vanilla Swiss Roll Cake Recipe

Saturated Fat10g

5 Stunning Ways To Serve Your Vanilla Swiss Roll Cake Recipe

1. Fruity Fiesta:

Fresh fruit is a natural partner to the light sweetness of the vanilla swiss roll cake recipe. Slice your roll and arrange it on a platter.

Top with a vibrant mix of seasonal berries, sliced kiwi, or chopped mango. Drizzle with a simple syrup or melted chocolate for an extra touch of decadence.

2. Chocolate Decadence:

Chocolate lovers rejoice! Elevate your swiss roll by transforming it into a mini chocolate log cake. Spread a thin layer of melted chocolate (dark, milk, or white, depending on your preference) over the unrolled cake.

Roll it up again and chill. Dust with cocoa powder or top with chocolate shavings for a truly luxurious presentation.

3. Cream Puff Paradise:

Take inspiration from the classic French dessert, the cream puff. Slice your swiss roll into bite-sized pieces.

Pipe dollops of whipped cream around the base of each slice. Arrange them on a serving plate and top with a drizzle of caramel sauce or a dusting of powdered sugar.

4. Coffee Break Surprise:

Turn your swiss roll into a delightful coffee accompaniment. Slice the roll into pinwheel shapes. Pipe a dollop of whipped cream in the center of each pinwheel and top with a drizzle of coffee sauce or a sprinkle of espresso powder.

This is a perfect afternoon pick-me-up with a delightful coffee twist.

5. Individual Elegance:

For a more intimate presentation, slice the swiss roll into individual portions. Plate each slice and garnish with a dollop of whipped cream, a fresh berry, and a sprig of mint.

This simple yet elegant plating is perfect for a special occasion or a romantic dessert.

Why Is My Swiss Roll Not Fluffy?

Your Swiss roll may not be fluffy due to a few reasons. Firstly, over mixing the batter can lead to denseness. Mix the batter just until combined.

Secondly, insufficiently beaten eggs can result in a lack of volume. Beat the eggs and sugar until thick and pale yellow.

Additionally, improper rolling technique or rolling the cake while it’s too hot can cause it to collapse. Allow the cake to cool slightly before rolling.

Lastly, expired leavening agents like baking powder can affect the rise. Check the freshness of your ingredients. Addressing these factors can help achieve a fluffy Swiss roll.

When To Roll The Swiss Cake Roll?

Roll the Swiss Cake Roll while it’s still warm. This helps prevent cracking. Once baked, immediately loosen the edges and invert it onto a kitchen towel dusted with powdered sugar.

Remove the parchment paper and roll the cake tightly with the towel. Allow it to cool completely in this rolled position.

This process helps the cake maintain its shape and flexibility, making it easier to roll with the filling later.

How To Store A Vanilla Swiss Roll Cake Recipe?

To store a Swiss Roll Cake, let it cool completely. Wrap it tightly in plastic wrap or foil. Refrigerate to keep it fresh.

Avoid placing heavy items on top. Before serving, let it come to room temperature. For longer storage, freeze it wrapped in plastic and foil.

Thaw overnight in the refrigerator or for 30 minutes at room temperature before serving.


This vanilla swiss roll cake recipe is a testament to the fact that elegant desserts don’t have to be complicated.

With a little practice and these helpful tips, you’ll be a swiss roll pro in no time. So, preheat your oven, grab your whisk, and get ready to bake!

So why wait? Step into your kitchen and embark on this delightful adventure today. Let the tantalising scent of vanilla guide you as you roll, fill, and savor each delectable bite.

With this recipe in hand, you’re bound to impress friends, family, and guests alike. So go ahead, indulge in the magic of Vanilla Swiss Roll Cake Recipe and create sweet memories that will last a lifetime. Happy baking!

Vanilla Swiss Roll Cake Recipe

Vanilla Swiss Roll Cake Recipe

Whisk up a delectable Vanilla Swiss Roll Cake with this easy-to-follow recipe. Soft, fluffy sponge cake, rolled with a rich vanilla cream filling, creates a heavenly dessert perfect for any occasion. Whether it's a special celebration or a cozy evening treat, this indulgent delight is sure to impress your taste buds.
Prep Time 20 minutes
Cook Time 10 minutes
Total Time 30 minutes
Course Dessert
Cuisine European
Servings 8
Calories 350 kcal


  • Mixing bowls
  • Electric mixer
  • Whisk
  • Offset spatula
  • Jelly roll pan (10×15 inches)
  • Parchment paper
  • Kitchen towel


For The Cake

  • 4 large eggs
  • 3/4 cup granulated sugar
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 3/4 cup cake flour
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • Confectioners’ sugar for dusting

For the Filling:

  • 1 cup heavy cream
  • 1/4 cup powdered sugar
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract


Preparing the Cake Batter:

  • ● Preheat your oven to 350°F (175°C). Grease a 10×15-inch jelly roll pan and line it with parchment paper, leaving an overhang on the sides for easy removal later.
  • ● In a large mixing bowl, beat the eggs and granulated sugar together with an electric mixer on high speed until the mixture is pale and thick, about 5 minutes. Add the vanilla extract and mix until combined.
  • ● In a separate bowl, sift together the cake flour, baking powder, and salt. Gradually fold the dry ingredients into the egg mixture until just combined, being careful not to deflate the batter.
  • ● Pour the batter into the prepared jelly roll pan, spreading it evenly with a spatula. Bake in the preheated oven for 10-12 minutes, or until the cake is lightly golden and springs back when gently pressed.

Rolling the Cake:

  • ● While the cake is still warm, dust a clean kitchen towel with confectioners’ sugar. Carefully invert the cake onto the towel and peel off the parchment paper.
  • ● Starting from one short end, gently roll the cake and towel together into a tight spiral. Place the rolled cake seam-side down on a wire rack to cool completely.

Preparing the Filling:

  • ● In a chilled mixing bowl, whip the heavy cream, powdered sugar, and vanilla extract together until stiff peaks form.

Assembling the Swiss Roll:

  • ● Carefully unroll the cooled cake and spread the whipped cream filling evenly over the surface, leaving a small border around the edges.
  • ● Starting from the same end as before, gently roll the cake back up, this time without the towel. Use the parchment paper to help lift and support the cake as needed.
  • ● Place the rolled cake seam-side down on a serving platter and refrigerate for at least 1 hour to set.

Serving and Enjoying:

  • ● Once chilled, slice the Vanilla Swiss Roll Cake into thick, elegant rounds using a sharp knife. Dust with additional confectioners’ sugar if desired, and serve with a cup of hot tea or coffee for a truly delightful experience.
Keyword Vanilla Swiss Roll Cake Recipe

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